The goal of this research was to present empirical evidence that documentary films play a critical role in development communication through a study of the influence of messaging in documentary films among audiences in Nairobi City County. This research has provided critical pointers about the effect that the documentary film has on audiences. From stirring the consciousness of the people and propelling them towards action, to changing opinions, and translating experiences across different spaces and time, documentary films have continued to mold and improve societies. However, studies that conceptualise the influence documentary films have on audiences are not routinely conducted. Consequently, evidence of the effect of documentary films in the world, on the continent of Africa and in Kenya has remained widely anecdotal. This gap in empirical evidence leads to a missed opportunity on the role documentary films can play in economic development of a country, building national prestige and cohesion, as well as provide a platform for communities to collectively look for solutions and a means of expressing these through writing film scripts and directing these stories.
Using qualitative research, combining both primary and secondary data, this research primed the effect of documentary films among a select critical audience in Nairobi City County. The study conducted in-depth interviews with audience of documentary films purposefully selected. The data was organized using the NVIVO software to identify the key themes and the influences of these messages on audiences. The study was anchored on cultivation theory. The key findings of the study were that audiences watch documentary films to learn and build knowledge on important issues. Documentary films were found to be critical tools for social change communication and effective in development communication.
This study will inform policy by illustrating the effects of documentary films on audiences in Nairobi City County and that way, show why documentary filmmakers and stakeholders need continued support and favorable policy frameworks for operation because of the critical work they do, and their potential to influence the development of the country through communication. This study recommends that filmmakers should be cognizant of the role they play in helping audiences understand issues, start conversations and pursue causes. This study also recommends that development communication practitioners leverage the documentary film to drive broader change in the society, impact processes, and actions, even as they drive development.