The human factor is cited as the weakest link that accounts for an estimated 70% plus of information security incidents. In the smartwatch domain, the manufacturers and end-users have been found to be more concerned with the aesthetic features of the device and less about security. Further, the revelation that the smartwatch is markedly different from the Personal Computers (PCs) in terms of functionality, features, and threat landscape, could make these devices an easy target for cybercriminals. Raising the Information Security Awareness (ISA) level of users is a significant defense line against cyber threats. Bluetooth technology, the predominant technology used to power the connection of smartwatches to other devices and the internet, has many known flaws. The end-user, therefore, needs a level of awareness both on the flaws and on the ways to act securely. This study investigated the factors that Influence Information Security Awareness (ISA) of Bluetooth attacks on smartwatch users. The target population was smartwatch users at a private university in Nairobi, Kenya, who are estimated to be about 2% of the population. Although this population is small, any security breath can escalate to impact the institution as a whole since one is as strong as its weakest link. The study found eight factors that influence ISA of Bluetooth on smartwatches. These factors were derived from three information security theories, namely: The Theory of Planned Behavior, Technology Acceptance Model, and Protection Motivation Theory - and a review of literature. The descriptive and cross-sectional study used questionnaires to collect data from a purposive sample of 45 respondents. The study found that knowledge on threats and risks has a moderate influence (r = .412. p = .010), attitude has a moderate influence (r = .477, p = .002), social norms (r = .477, p = .002), perceived ease of usefulness (r = .320, p = .049), perceived usefulness (r = .462, p = .004), threat appraisal (r = .598, p = .000) and coping appraisal (r = .489, p = .004) all show a significant influence on ISA behavior. Based on the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), five hypotheses were rejected and four were not rejected. The study concludes that positive and significant influences existed between the factors and information security awareness behavior. The study recommends creation of awareness on the potential effects of Bluetooth attacks in the affected group by various patties such as the university IT department, and the relevant information security structures.
Keywords: Information Security Awareness. Wearables, Smartwatch, LoT, BYOD