The study sought to establish the effects of the digital humanitarian ecosystem on acceleration of digital humanitarian aid. The specific objectives of the study were to explore the effects of the multi layered digital supply chain on acceleration of digital humanitarian aid, to highlight the effects of Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) on the acceleration of digital humanitarian aid and to find out the influence of policy regulations on the acceleration of digital humanitarian aid.
The study adopted a descriptive study design targeting fifteen thousand refugees in Bidi Bidi camp Uganda who are working with Mercy Corps. The sampling frame constituted the men_ women and Persons With Disabilities (PWD's). The sample size of 390 respondents was determined scientifically using Yamane formula. Selection of the respondents in the sample was done using stratified sampling method. Primary data was collected with help of the questionnaire. Prior to data collection, the questionnaire was pilot tested among 15 respondents who were not included in the final sample. Piloting was meant to establish the reliability of the tools. The collected data was summarized using means and standard deviations and analyzed using regression analysis. The findings were presented in form of tables and figures.
The results of the indicated that the multi layered digital supply chain which constitutes donors, humanitarian agencies and beneficiaries collectively play a significant role in the acceleration of digital humanitarian aid. The results also revealed a statistical significance in the presence of MNO's, mobile phone penetration and reliable connectivity infrastructure contributes to the acceleration of digital humanitarian aid in Bidi Bidi Uganda. The study did establish that the availability policy regulations and policy makers have a statistical significance on the acceleration of digital humanitarian aid in Bidi Bidi Uganda. The findings on the purpose of the study indicated that the digital humanitarian ecosystem in its entirety had significant effects on the acceleration of digital humanitarian aid.
The study concludes that all the components in the multilayered digital supply chain including the donors, humanitarian agencies and beneficiaries significantly influence the acceleration of digital humanitarian aid. The study concludes presence of MNO's, mobile phone penetration and reliable infrastructure and access to mobile money is significant to the acceleration of digital humanitarian aid. Finally, this study concludes availability of policies regulations coupled with policy implementation by policy makers along with data and privacy frameworks is significant to the acceleration of digital humanitarian aid.
The study recommends the components of the multi layered digital supply chain in Bidi Bidi in this case the donors, the humanitarian agency Mercy Corps and beneficiaries in Bidi Bidi camp should work in tandem with regards to sharing of critical information pertaining to digital humanitarian aid. Agendas should be synchronized in order to scale disbursement if digital aid which will improve the livelihoods of the vulnerable groups in Bidi Bidi. The study recommends that the MNO is operation in Bidi Bidi which is Airtel should work in tandem with the humanitarian agency in this case Mercy Corps and third-party mobile phone providers in order to increase mobile phone penetration in Bidi Bidi. This partnership should also include campaigns centered on digital literacy to educate vulnerable groups on the benefits of using mobile money so as to ramp up the use of mobile money in Bidi Bidi. The study recommends the policy regulators in the government of Uganda and the private sector should develop consistent data protection and privacy frameworks to encourage uptake of digital identity and adoption of identity-linked mobile services.