Emmanuel: Life Without Kidneys

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dc.contributor.author Kimotho, Stephen
dc.date.accessioned 2020-10-31T07:25:03Z
dc.date.available 2020-10-31T07:25:03Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.uri http://erepo.usiu.ac.ke/11732/6217
dc.description Book en_US
dc.description.abstract Three Kidney Transplants, 14 surgical operations, 14 years of dialysis and still optimisticIn his 32 years, Emmanuel Njaci Gitau has been to hospitals more times than he can remember. He has gone through three kidney transplants, 14 major operations,and has been on dialysis for 14 years. After years of suffering, one day on a hospital bed in India, the doctors delivered the worst news to Emmanuel: Both of his kidneys had failed and he had about three months to live. However, not even such news could vanquish his courage, faith in Godand determination to live. In this unique life account, Emmanuel narrates his story of great pain, tribulations, perseverance and insurmountable trust and faith in God. The book captures fear, courage, triumphsand doubts, as experienced by Emmanuel and other family members. The story of Emmanuelpresents to youa blend of accounts that delve deep intothe livedexperiences of a kidney patientand hisfamily members,as they gothrough various stages of renalillness. This memorable story is evidence of the amazing love and grace of God. Indeed, Emmanuel is a living testimony of the love and goodness of God. In every dimension of his life, the glorious love of God shines through this young man’s life.Emmanuel’s life can be summarized in three words: Determination, hope and persistence. He seems to have understood the art of persistence and perseverance. The will to go on, even during life’s most difficult terrains, indeed marks the difference between failure and success. As James Whitcomb Riley observed, the most essential factor in life is persistence –the determination that never allows one’s energy or enthusiasm to be drained by the discouragements that inevitably visit us in life. en_US
dc.publisher Novastud Publishing, Nairobi, Kenya en_US
dc.subject kidneys en_US
dc.title Emmanuel: Life Without Kidneys en_US
dc.type Book en_US

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