The purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationship between race and representation, specifically African Americans and their representation in the United States Foreign Service.
This study uses secondary data supplemented by interviews of current Foreign Service Officers. historically, African Americans in the United States have lagged behind in many facets of life, 11ot limited to formal employment, financial, and academic achievement. The Foreign Service of the State Department has since its conception been a career dominated by white men, and in recent history has had racially discriminatory hiring practices. This study seeks to understand why there are a disproportionate number of African Americans in an agency that is supposed to represent the United States to the world. The factors related to socioeconomic status and the history of discrimination have led to the disproportionate number of African Americans in the United States Foreign Service. It is hypothesized that the mechanisms that the Department of State has in place to increase the number of African Americans and other minorities in its ranks have led to a more diverse foreign service.