dc.description.abstract |
Aims: Antimicrobial resistance motivates the search for new antimicrobials. Besides Methicillin-
Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strain has
emerged worldwide over the last decade, posing a great challenge to healthcare. This paper
reports a survey of Maasai ethno-pharmacy practices.
Study Design: Key informant interviews and utilization of e-questionnaires for data collection.
Methodology: Plants were identified, and the applicable parts taken as samples, dried, powdered
then subjected to aqueous extraction. Using agar well diffusion method, the extracts were screened
against gram positive, gram negative and fungal strains to establish antimicrobial activity.
Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at the School of Pharmacy & Health
Sciences of the United States International University, Africa in Nairobi from January 2017 to
December 2018.
Results: Out of the 24 different plant samples collected, 33% were leaves while 17%, 12.5% and
37.5% were fruits, stem bark and roots, respectively. The highest extract percentage yields were
from the leaves of Biden pilosa (5.11%), Psidium guajava (4.65%) and Tarchononthus comphoratus (4.31%). While the minimum extracts yields were from Solanum incum roots (0.08%)
and stem bark (0.09%). The extracts of Toddalia asiatica stem bark and roots; Rhamnus staddo
roots; Tarchonanthus camphoratus stem bark and roots; and Zanthroxyleum chelybeum stem bark,
all exhibited well defined inhibition diameters against M.R.S. aureus in the range 8mm to 14mm as
compared to the standard drug (10mm). All these were extracts of non-leafy samples. The
significant antimicrobial activity corresponded to presence of flavonoids and alkaloids as seen on
TLC plates during phytochemical screening.
Conclusion: The results obtained are a good rationale for utilization of the plants identified as
alternatives to antibiotics for management of antimicrobial infections. |
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