Preparation of NIR absorbing axial substituted tinIJIV) porphyrins and their photocytotoxic properties

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dc.contributor.author Babu, Balaji
dc.contributor.author Amuhaya, Edith
dc.contributor.author Oluwole, David
dc.contributor.author Prinsloo, Earl
dc.contributor.author Mack, John
dc.contributor.author Nyokong, Tebello
dc.date.accessioned 2020-01-03T06:10:38Z
dc.date.available 2020-01-03T06:10:38Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.uri http://erepo.usiu.ac.ke/11732/5143
dc.description Journal Article Full text: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/md/c8md00373d#!divAbstract en_US
dc.description.abstract SnIJIV) porphyrins ([SnIJIV)TTPIJ3PyO)2] (5) and [SnIJIV)TPPIJ3PyO)2] (6) [tetrathienylporphyrin (TTP), tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP), and pyridyloxy (PyO)]) were prepared and characterized and their photocytotoxicity upon irradiation with 625 nm light has been studied. The presence of the 3PyO axial ligands was found to limit the aggregation and enhance the solubility of 5 and 6 in DMF/H2O (1 : 1). The photophysical properties and photodynamic therapy (PDT) activity of the meso-2-thienyl and meso-phenyl-substituted SnIJIV) porphyrins are compared. 5 and 6 were found to be photocytotoxic in MCF-7 cancer cells when irradiated with a Thorlabs M625L3 LED at 625 nm but remained nontoxic in the dark. The PDT activity of SnIJIV) meso-tetra-2-thienylporphyrin 5 was found to be significantly enhanced relative to its analogous tetraphenylporphyrin 6. There is a marked red-shift of the Q00 band of 5 into the therapeutic window due to the meso-2-thienyl rings, and 5 has an unusually high singlet oxygen quantum yield value of 0.83 in DMF. The results demonstrate that readily synthesized axially ligated SnIJIV) meso-arylporphyrins are potentially suitable for use as singlet oxygen photosensitizers in biomedical applications and merit further in depth investigation in this context. en_US
dc.publisher Royal Society of Chemistry en_US
dc.subject NIR absorbing axial, tin(IV) porphyrins, photocytotoxic properties en_US
dc.title Preparation of NIR absorbing axial substituted tinIJIV) porphyrins and their photocytotoxic properties en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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