The nature of interstate relations over shared resources have depicted a dynamic nature oscillating between conflict and cooperation dichotomy. Egypt and Ethiopia are no exception when it comes to the shared resource of the Nile River. This study set out to assess the ramification of the trans-boundary River Nile water resource on interstate relations between Egypt and Ethiopia. In order to fulfill the aforementioned aim of the study, three questions were raised: One, how has the hydro-political dynamic influenced the relationship between Egypt and Ethiopia? Two, what explains the changing hydro-political dynamics on Egypt-Ethiopia’s relations? Three, how can Egypt and Ethiopia achieve water security?. The study adopted qualitative approach based on case study design and interview method was employed. The study established that politicization and dependency on the shared resource are explanations for conflict and co-operation. The study concluded that trans-boundary resources have two main ramifications on interstate relations; that is, unifying or dividing the nations. The study recommended that Egypt and Ethiopia should harmonize and implement trans-boundary resource policy.