The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of threat of new entrants on performance of oil industry in South Sudan. The specific research question guiding the study was: What level of influence does threat of new entrants have on performance of oil industry in South Sudan? The research design used was descriptive research and analytic research; descriptive research described the phenomena of oil industry performance while
analytic design established relationship among these phenomena. Of the 84 self-administered questionnaires distributed to the middle and top management of all oil firms operating in South Sudan, 66 were filled and returned representing a 78.6% response rate. The study found out, threat of new entrants have positive significant influence on performance of oil industry in South Sudan and recommends: the government of South Sudan to develop or update existing policies and regulation of the oil industry in South Sudan based threat of new entrants; oil firms in South Sudan should consider influence of new entrants to their business; lastly, oil firms preparing to enter South Sudan oil fields should review