Role of Organizational Culture on Effective Strategy Implementation among Commercial Banks in South Sudan

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dc.contributor.author Akuei, Ajou Mayen Akuei
dc.date.accessioned 2016-09-15T11:03:04Z
dc.date.available 2016-09-15T11:03:04Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.uri http://erepo.usiu.ac.ke/11732/2677
dc.description A Dissertation Report Submitted to the Chandaria school of Business in partial fulfillment of the Degree of Business Administration (DBA) en_US
dc.description.abstract Effective strategy implementation is paramount in the financial performance of a company. It is vital in releasing the strategic goals set by the company. Strategic implementation is influenced by various factors such as culture, structure and skills among others. Nevertheless, the influence of organizational culture on effective strategy implementation remains understudied. Thus this study examined the effect of various dimensions of organization culture namely; dominant characteristics, organizational leaders, management of employees, organizational glue, strategic emphases and criteria of success on effective strategy implementation in South Sudan commercial banks. To achieve these objectives the study used both descriptive and explanatory research designs. The study targets top and middle managers of 29 commercial banks in South Sudan. To select the sample, the study used Yamane (2001) to calculate a sample of 168 top and middle managers of commercial banks. Further, the study used purposive sampling technique to select the managers to be included in the sample. Primary data was collected using questionnaires and data was analyzed using factor analysis and multiple linear regression model in statistical package for social scientist (SPSS). The study found that dominant characteristics have no significant influence on effective strategy implementation. Organizational Leadership was found to positively influence effective strategy implementation. Management of employees and organizational glue had no effect on effective strategy implementation. Moreover, strategic emphases had no significant relationship with effective strategy implementation. The study concluded that organizational leadership significantly influences strategy implementation while dominant characteristics, management of employees and strategic emphases had no influence on strategy implementation in commercial banks in South Sudan. The study recommended that organizations should exemplify mentoring, entrepreneurship mentality, innovation and risk taking attitude. In addition, the leadership of the organization should embrace a no-nonsense, aggressive, result oriented focus, and organizing smooth running efficiency. en_US
dc.publisher United States International University - Africa en_US
dc.subject Organization Culture en_US
dc.title Role of Organizational Culture on Effective Strategy Implementation among Commercial Banks in South Sudan en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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