Purpose - The purpose of this thesis is to identify why the birth of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) a decade ago has been greeted with such apathy in implementation by many organizations. Though mired in controversy over its theoretical roots, lack of empirical research in the field, and lack of a common definition and its validity, IMC is a good marketing promotional method. It enjoys many merits that are a boon to organizations or corporations that embrace it for promotional campaigns. Being the most remarkable development to have emerged within the marketing discipline in recent times, IMC is making good progress and enjoys a bright future – this is despite the contentious debate that surrounds the concept. The most critical thing, however, is for organizations to tactfully address the apathy problem, which is enmeshed within the hierarchy of their management strata. If this lack of enthusiasm in accepting IMC, obviously due to a number of reasons affecting managers’ interests, is solved, then there is no reason why the concept will not flourish to the chagrin of critics.